Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hi my name is Rashonta but most people call me Shonnie. I am 18 years old. I currently live in South West Philadelphia. I am 5'8 and i weigh 148lbs, my hair and ma eyes are the same color. My favorite color is orange because its wild and it stands out. My favorite food is tortillini and my favorite movie is Gridiron Gang. I LOVE to play sports and video games. My favorite game is 2k10 and 2k11. My hobbies are dancing. I've been dancing since i was 8. My goal is to finish high school to my standards not Overbrook's standard. That means C's are unacceptable for me but accepatble for Overbrook! My dream is to open my own baker and chain of bakeries called "Peace, Love & Cupcakes". I want to attend Delaware State University. I want to major in nursing and minor in pastry arts!

Peace, Love && Happiness

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

One thing I have learned...

One thing I've learned from the post is that it's important to know how to correctly use search engines. This has a great effect on getting accurate information for that students get. Not only does it effect the accuracy of the information that the students get, but it also effects the amount of information received that they get. It also helps the students to create better essay and writing prompts, while giving them a better knowledge of how to get information and data.

The youtube video

The video I think was about the way society is today and the way it effects all students of all races. I feel like they had something to say and this was a way for the students to get their point across and I feel that they had done what they set out to do and that was to enlighten everyone about racial profiling.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wow, is all i can really say about that video. I can tell by the way that those people where screaming into the mic that it came from heart. It was an inspiration, and possibly an outlook to some. The words they were speaking hit me hard because i know some of us can truly relate. As students, we are caged in classrooms, being taught what the MAN wants us to know and hiding the truth that they never want to be told. We are learning in the class-rooms, having to be silent as night and being told lies about the past. Why? Why should we be lied to if the past repeats it-self? Shouldn't we as the people, as the future know? When can we be the unique people we are told we are? Instead we have to dress alike in the same colors, we have to be silent and can't express our minds or our thoughts. I truly felt what they were saying and I'm sure many others did too.

specialized for you entertainment =)

hello everyone! My name is Amanda and I am currently a senior at Overbrook High school. 2011! I am Hispanic standing about 5'4". i was born in Einstein hospital. As a young girl, i moved around a lot: I was raised down fifth and diamond, Lawrence and diamond, Memphis and Leigh, Risingson and Robbins, and now fifty-fifth and Thompson. after i graudate high school i plan to attend my dream college LaSalle, But if that doesnt work out as planned i am going to attend CCP for two years then go to a four year college. During my free time i love to play basketball, (usually at conestoga) write poetry, and read. One thing that no one knows about me is that i think i can rap, especially when im taking a shower thats when most of my raps come to me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

i was really inspired by the video . i felt the strength in the voices of all kids . they were obviously hurt by the society today g they decided to speak on it . i didnt realize the facts about our community today until i saw that video . maybe if the word spread a little more then people would actually make a difference . this video made me wanna change a bit and show teachers that i can be more then what im expected to be . the main purpose of this video was to explain that no one can tell you who you are but you .

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

all about me

Hi my name is Victoria, and I'm a senior at Overbook High School. I'm 17 yrs. old and I have a plan for my feature. I was born in west Philly at 53rd Girard into a 3 story house. When i graduate from Overbook I'm going straight into trade school (All State Careers) to become a MA. I will be a full time mom and part time student. My favorite thing to do is watch children. I have a Passion for kids. In the past yr. i was accepted to direct a play in New York. Another thing i like to do is hair. I'm a mommy girls i love my mom with all my heart she taught me everything i know well not everything but all she could do because i never have my dad around. Thank you mom for all you have done LOVE you .

Thursday, October 28, 2010

All about Shyniekqua...

Hello my name is Shyniekqua Doughty.
Im 17 years old and I attend Overbook High School.
I'm 5'5 I'm brown skin and thick builted.
I was born in South Philly but when I turned 10 years old I moved to West Philly.

My goals is to finish school.
I also want to go to college.
My dream is to become an RN.
I want to be a nurse because it would make me feel good knowing I made a difference in somebody life.
My favorite thing to do is to go out with ma girls.
One thing people dont no is that I have a pet hamster name Ryan Doughty and I love him so much.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All About Me

Heywhat's up everyone? My name is Anika, I am 18 years old 5'7 darkskinned. I was born in North Philadelphia, but i lived in Germantown all most all my life. I currently live in West Philadelphia(Landsdowne). I am in the 12th grade at Overbrook High School I plan on attending CCP for two years after I graduate. I also plan on going to Empire Beauty School.
Something many people dont know about me is that I swear i can sing when im in the shower. One of my favorite things to do is play basketball. This will be my first year playing for Overbrook but this year this team will be mine. I am very outgoing when it comes to sports.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My entroduction

Hey what's up every one ... My name is Paul, I am a 6'0" brown skin muscaler ethletic male.  My past and presint sport activaties are football, bascitball, vallieball, tracke, bowling, and socer.  I am curently living in North Philadelphia. The earia that I ariganate from is West philadelphia.

 My favorite thing is drawing.  I'v been drawing ever since I could right.  I draw to express my fillings and my thoughts, I also draw what I see.
My goles are to graduat high school, enrole in a good chollege for art, math, and bisnes.  After chollege I plan to have a corear that has some thing to do with art.

Some thing every one dosen't know about me is when I was younger I had a rilly bad anger problem and I was in anger manigment from 3rd grade through 7th grade I am cerintly in controle of my anger but I do have a limit to how Mutch and how long I can stay calm and calective. So fare so good.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Introducing Me

My name is Keilah. I was born on July 20,1993. I'm an African-American female. I stand at about 5ft 4inches . I have brown skin,dark brown hair ,& dark brown eyes. I was born and raised here in Philadelphia,mainly West Philadelphia though. I have a 12 yr old brother who's name is Cori, he works my nerves every chance he gets . However I do love him very much ,I really have no choice because he's the only sibling I have.I am a senior at Overbook High School in West Philadelphia. I am expected to graduate in June of 2011. Afterwards I plan to attend a trade school of my choice to study cosmetology. I plan to get my license in "cos",then I'd like to hopefully get a job at a salon. I then plan to attend college to study business so I can maybe open my own business later on in life. One of my favorite things to do when I'm not working or in school is shop. I love shopping . I find it very soothing . Also people don't know that when I have a lot of emotion built up I write poetry. It helps me to vent through my feelings.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Introducing me

My name is Dawanya. I was born July 26,1993. I am a black African American and Im also short.
Im a seinor  at Over Brook Highschool. My goal is to graduate from high school and right after go to a four year college. One of my favorite things to do is help my friends and text . The reason why i like these things cause they are fun. One thing nobody know about me is im afraid of hights.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things I've Learned (Jazzmane)

One thing I've learned from the post is that it''s important to know how to correctly use Search Engines. This has a great effect on getting accurate information that students get. Not only does it effect the accuracy of the information that the students get but it also effects the amount of information that they get. It also helps the students to create better essay and writing prompt's. While giving them a better knowledge of how to get information and data.

One thing i learned by: Dayonna

One thing that I learned from the reading is you may find a subject interesting, but there may not be any research available for that certain topic that you have chosen. There also may be a case were their is too much information. Yes it is true that you should research a topic that is most interesting to you, but you also have to make sure your topic is researchable.
Thank You, Dayonna Warren
Hi my name is tahki and i am 17 years old . I am a senior at Overbrook high school

Rasheed (Edited)

Hello my name is Rasheed. Born on April 9th 1992. I have my Dad's personality and my Mom's style. I'm from West Philadelphia 50th & Market. When i was seven i moved with my Dad on the 200 block of Wanamaker. Those days changed my life. My Dad told me fear nothing but God, respect your Mother, and take care of family. He also taught me about the power of a dollar.  Three years later I moved back with my mom. I'm not going to say i hate school, but I rather work. I like music and art, I hope to one day be a video director. I like to listen to music all day long. A lot of people don't know I'm a natural born baseball player, but i don't follow that dream.

Marquise '

Hello my name is Marquise. I was born September 17th,1992 . I am from west philly where I lived all my live never lived anywhere else but there. I go to Overbrook High School where I am a Senior there getting ready to go to college. I really can't wait to go so I can get out of Philadelphia and start my life and career. I wanna go to Morgan State University where I'm gonna major in software engineering and minor in computer science. I'm really good with computers and cell phones I always have a new cell phone. My mom hates it so much she says I can other things with my money. I work at Ihop where I am a waiter I hate that job so much but I'm gonna keep it till I go to college because I like having my own money and not asking my mom for it. Im a very spoiled child I'm the oldest out of 3 on my mom side and the oldest out of 5 on my dads side. So that's really it about me I'm just ready to get out of Overbrook High School. Senior 2011 !!!!!!!!!!! :)


One thing I learned from the reading is that cutting corners in the long run is not going to provide me with the information need to obtain the research I am looking for. So next time I research I will be more observant and make sure the information I obtain is accurate and able to be traced to its source.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Must Read - Post one thing learned from your reading

Searching For Better Research Habits

September 29, 2010
NEW YORK CITY -- Should colleges teach students how to be better Googlers?
Educators who see the popular search engine as antithetical to good research might cringe at the thought of endorsing it to students. But they might not cringe nearly as hard as did attendees of the 2010 Ithaka Sustainable Scholarship Conference when Andrew Asher showed them what happens when students do not learn how to use Google properly.
“Students do not have adequate information literacy skills when they come to college, and this goes for even high-achieving students,” said Asher, the lead research anthropologist at the Enthographic Research in Illinois Academic Libraries (ERIAL) Project, which recently studied the search habits of more than 600 Illinois students spanning a range of institutions and demographic groups.
“And they’re not getting adequate training as they’re going through the curriculum,” he said.
Asher moved swiftly through a few slides featuring excerpts from interviews with students, each eliciting both chuckles and gasps from the audience of librarians and technologists. “I’m just trusting Google to know what are the good resources,” responded one sophomore biology student.
“Of all the students that I interviewed, not a single one of them could give an adequate conceptual definition of how Google returns results,” said Asher. Not even those “who should know better,” like computer science students. The word “magic” came up a lot, he noted.
Asher pulled quotes from other students evidencing how the expectations and ignorances bred by habitual, unthinking use of Google had affected how students use other search engines, such as those built into the scholarly archive JSTOR. The students in the ERIAL sample seemed oblivious to the logic of search or how to generate or parse search results with much patience or intelligence. “I just throw up whatever I want into the search box and hope it comes up,” a junior nursing major told the researchers. “…It’s just like Google, so I use it like Google.”
This Google effect does not bode well for students who manage to make it as far as a scholarly database, said Asher. “Student overuse of simple search leads to problems of having too much information or not enough information … both stemming from a lack of sufficient conceptual understanding of how information is organized,” he said. Those libraries that have tried to teach good search principles have failed, he continued, because they have spent “too much time trying to teach tools and not enough time trying to teach concepts.” It would be more useful for librarians to focus training sessions on how to "critically think through how to construct a strategy for finding information about a topic that is unknown to you," Asher said in a follow-up e-mail to Inside Higher Ed.
Asher’s presentation came near the end of a long day that had kicked off with a talk by Daniel M. Russell, a senior research scientist for search quality and user happiness at Google, who also hinted at the need for better user education. Russell spent much of his time talking about all the cool scholarly things Google has available in its vast databases -- a facsimile of Stravinsky’s score from Sacre de Printemps, a 3-D model of the Notre Dame Cathedral, unemployment data for Santa Clara County over the last 20 years -- before lamenting the fact that most students would have no clue how to find them.
“One of the things we have to do is not teach the little twiddlybits about search,” said Russell. Technical knowledge of Google’s search interface -- and JSTOR’s, for that matter -- becomes obsolete, because the interfaces are constantly changing. “So I don’t want to teach them algorithms, I don’t want to teach them ranking, I don’t want to teach them what’s in the index and all that stuff,” he said. “I do want to teach them what’s possible.” In other words: If students do not know what is out there to find, they cannot search for it effectively.
That is where librarians come in, said Russell. Scholarly searching is not an intuitive skill, like foraging, he said; students cannot learn well by imitating peers. “We need to do a better job,” he said. “You’ve worked with these undergraduates. This is, in theory, the Google generation. But a lot of searchers in libraries and universities do the dumbest things you can possibly imagine. And so have you. It’s not part of the curriculum.”
But as the conference wound down and the participants reflected on the question of search education, some challenged the idea that search education was possible -- or worth the investment.
Peggy Seiden, the college librarian at Swarthmore College, recalled a comment an economics professor there had made during a recent focus group: “Our students graduate from Swarthmore, and they go on to be incredibly successful,” Seiden quoted her colleague as saying. “They may not have had very much in terms of good research instruction. They might not be the best researchers in the world. But they are successful. So the question is, what is the end we’re trying to get to?”
Lisa Rose-Wiles, a science librarian at Seton Hall University, said it is naïve to think that by teaching students how to use search more responsibly, librarians and professors can prevent students from cutting corners. Of course librarians think cobbling together a good-enough paper with the first three full-text papers that turn up in a simple search is bad, but for students — particularly those aspiring to nonacademic careers — it might make perfect sense. “There’s no real way to convince students that that behavior doesn’t pay, especially when they’re trying to juggle six courses and a job and a whole life and all the rest,” Rose-Wiles said. "So unless we can demonstrate some measurable payoff to searching, students aren’t going to do it.”
Luke Swindler, coordinator of general collections for the university library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said the notion of making “better searchers” of Google-generation students reminded him of what a German pol had once said of communism: “The problem with the theory and practice of communism,” Swindler paraphrased, “is that it just needs better citizens.”
“We’re not going to change the citizens,” he said.
If academics are going to improve student research in the age of simple search, said Casper Grathwohl, vice president at Oxford University Press, they will probably have to do so the same way Google changes the behavior of its users: by using better interfaces and more sophisticated indexing methods to nudge them, incrementally, toward competence.
As Grathwohl put it, “Making ‘good enough’ better.”
For the latest technology news from Inside Higher Ed, follow IHEtech on Twitter.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Something about TAM....

What's up my name is Tameron(tamren). I'm 17 years old my cakedate is 9/6/93. I was raised in the Mill Creek Projects& Lex st. I don't play much sports i chill and fall back...I guess you can call me a prettyboy. I firmly believe that people should "Live and Learn", because the more mistakes you make in life the more you learn how to better youself.

When I was young I hated school, but over the years i learned to like it. I plan on going to college after high school...further my education further my money. I use to want to be a business owner but now I'm not so sure. I think I want to be a therapist and help people with there issues plus I'm good with listen and giving advice. My goals in life are to be successful, be rich and keep my family proud of me.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Life Of Dhameer

How are you ?... My name is Dhameer. I am a senior at Overbrook High School, and I am proud of myself for changin my life around. Back in 9th, 10th, and some of 11th grade, I was a student who didn't pay too much attentionto nothing but trouble. Why did I like trouble ? I couldn't say, but after my 11th grade year I started playing footaball faithfully, and the coaches that are here inspired me to keep myself out of troubles way. At Overbrook High School I play varsity football and my comments about that is "I Love It". I am a 5'11 black male, weighing 198 pounds, playing fullback and linebacker looking forward to playing college football. My Hometown is Philadelphia, PA in the 56th and Master st. area. My favorite movie is "menace 2 society" and my favorite rapper is T.I. my favorite color is grey, some people say its a sad color, but I don't think so, I think it fits me. I can say i'm a type of person thats always happy and smiling a lot because I like my teeth.October 17,2004 I lost a person who was like a brother to me and a bestfriend and also like a brother to my oldest brother name "Jason Richardson". In the beginning of this year, January 8, 2010 I lost a friend "Anthony Morris", I never knew what it felt like to lose a friend until a week after that day. All I can say everything I do is done for yall "R.I.P Jason and Tone"

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Introduction Of Me

Hello, my name is Rozzi. I'm a senior attending Overbrook High School, Class of 2011! Right now I'm living with my mother, things aren't so good between us but i don't know what to do. I came from Penn Wood High School, I love that school and I miss all my friends kind of. Once I graduate this upcoming June, I plan on going to college. I'm still not sure which college I want to attend but all I know is that I want to major in Psychology. Somethings about myself that people don't know is that I'm an All-Star cheerleader for South Jersey Storm. I've been a cheerleader all my life. Another thing is that some people tend to call me Munchkin because I'm Tiny, I'm four foot nine and a half. I dream big and I hope to get far with them.

Friday, September 24, 2010


My Name is Kimberly. I Was Born on A Country Called Guyana. I Came to The U.S. in 2008 I have been here for 2 years. I live with my Father even tough I have spent 17 years without him. Since Living here with Him I have actually been missing my mom allot. It's Crazy Cause I never thought that I could miss her so much.

My Plans for my future are to Graduate from High school and got to College. I am thinking about majoring to become a Nurse, Doctor Assistant or Counselling. I want to become a nurse because I Love to work with people and to help them. I want to be a counselor because I like to talk to people and help them with their problems. One Thing People may not Know about me is that I Love to Sing. I also take part in activities like Art, Drama, Music and Filming.

Introducing Me...

My name is Danielle and my family and friends call me Dani. I was born on March 5th at Lankaneau Hospital. I am the only girl of six children. I attend Overbrook Highschool and im in the 12th grade. I love hanging out with my friends and laughing at everything. My goal I set for myself is to pass all my classes and try to score high on the SAT's. After graduating I plan on going to college and take up nursing. If that plan doesnt work out I want to be a psychologist because I like hearing about people problems and giving advice.

Introducing Me ...

Hi my name is Eryca, my family or close friends call me Ryca. I was born in Philadelphia raised in southwest then moved to west Philadelphia later on in my life. My birthday is September 10, 1992 I just recently turned 18. I am mixed with Puerto Rican and Black. I have 3 brothers and no sister and I’m the youngest.
The goal I set for myself is to past the 12th grade with straight A’s with maybe 1 B. When I get older I want to own my own hotel. I like to talk on the phone and be with my friends I enjoy doing that because I have fun. Something that people don’t know about me is that my favorite actress is Rachel Mcadams, I think she’s a very good actress. Another thing that people don’t know about me is that I went to New York for a theater arts program

Ello :)

Me Llama es Jazz mane I was Born in Philadelphia PA. My Birthday is Nov.29 Yes I'm so Excited!!! for that big 1-8. I'm very Outgoing and I'm always up for something New. I've always had this thirst for life. I guess that come with my Sign, But whatever. I Love music and The Whole Asian Culture. Something that no one know about me is that My dream is to travel the world with only a backpack full of essentials and My Guitar.

My future Plans are to pass my Senior Year with all A's and Get a Great SAT score and to Go to college. I'm want to to become a Veterinarian, Yes I Love the Animals. Another one of My aspirations is to be a Entrepreneur. After Veterinarian School I want Save The Animal World One Pet at a time. Then one day I want to open my Own Vet Hospital.

Cody !

My name is Cody, I was born 01/22/92 in philadelphia. Im 18 years old and the oldest of three sibblings. Im currently a senior at overbrook highschool. I am a study hard kind of student. My favorite things to do is to play football and basketball on the weekends. I also like to goals for the year are to get straight A's. I look foward to to having a good year with my favorite student Mrs. Breese.

When I graduate at overbrook highschool I plan on going to villanova to become a surgeon. that will really make my mother proud. if that doesn't work out I would want to become a club owner. My club will pop all the time.
CLASS OF 2011...

Hello to all and shot outs to the class of 2011! My name is Jeanice. I was born in Philadelphia,Pa at a Hospital called City Ave. which is now called PCOM. I was born on April 26 to the best mother in the world. Im 5 foot 10 and I enjoy reading and sometimes writing. On my spare time i love to help my younger siblings and playing my part in being the oldest of 6. While still in high school I set high standards for myself. After finishing high school and graduating, I plan to attend Temple University where i plan to major in education and later on become a pediatrition.

What most people dont know about me is that I enjoy being a young mother. Spending time with my son brings a smile to my face even if I'm in a bad mood. His name is Jayd'in and he's 2 months old. After being away from my mom for 3 months I've learned that life is not promising and each day you should cherish like its your last. I missed her and my younger siblings dearly. Each day was a stuggle without them. Now I'm home and home is where I'm going to stay. When times get hard dont give up always strive for the best and never let anyone tell you that you cant do anything because you can.



My name is Fatemata, but everybody call me Fatema. I was born in Alanta, GA, but raised in Philadelphia. I was born Premature and weighed 1lb 13oz. I am the oldest of 6 children. When I graduate in June, 2011 I plan to attend College. I want to study Forensic Science. By the age of 22-23 I plan to buy my house and start my career.

My life right now is getting better by the day. I just moved back with my mom after about 2 years of separation. Over the last two years it gave me time to think about life and the things to be thankful for. Now thats things are getting back to how they were, now I have to make my mom happy, and show her I can make it just like she did!

Through the good times, through the bad times..
we gone make it out!!

About Dayonna

Hi my name is Dayonna, I attend Overbrook High School. I was born and raised in South Philadelphia. I now live in West Philadelphia. I am the daughter of Janice Harris and Darryl Warren. I am one of eight, and the second oldest. I am in the 12th grade, and proud to say that i am going to graduate on time and attend Penn State in the Fall.

As many of my friends could tell you I am very smart, funny, and kind. I am going to major in the medical field. I love helping people. I am proud of myself and how my life is going at this rate. I have good grades and wonderful friends and I am happy.
Thank you, Dayonna

All About Tamerra !

My name is Tamerra Lyniece. I'm Seventeen years old and i was born in Feb,12 1993. I'm from West Oak Lane part of Philadelphia but i live in West philly Overbrook Section .I attend Overbrook Hight School and I'm A Senior . I love hanging with my friends and texting. Making People laugh is my specialty . I'm looking forward to graduating this year .

I plan on going to College to become a Nurse one day . I'm not sure what college i will be attending but i hope its a good one . One day i want to become an RN and maybe own my own Clinic one someday. I just want to make my family mom proud and graduate high school and go to college . i have high goals this year , i want to graduate top of my class with A's and B's and one C. I believe that i can do it i just have to take it one step at a time and stay focused !!

Samir's Introduction

My name is Samir. I'm seventeen years old, i was born April 3, 1993.
I was born and raised In Philadelphia, PA. Me and my mother moved from
south philly to west philly when was three years old and been here every
since. I'm five feet and eight inches tall, and i weight about 135 pounds. I'm
brown-skin with dark brown eyes and black hair.

My goals in the future include graduating high school in 2011. Also, to score
high on the SAT exams. Some of my other goals are to attend college and make
money. I'm not to sure on what I want to be when I grow up. One thing people
dont know about me is that i'm a very good basketball player, just because I don't
play for the varsity basketball team they think I'm not good.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Introducing Myself . .

Hello . . My name is Shauna. I am a senior at Overbrook High School and Im happy to say I made it this far . I'm 5'3 brownskin with long jet black hair . Originally Im from Southwest Philadelphia but I moved in the Overbrook area ( Lansdowne ) a few years ago . Its okay I guess but I really dont stay out much around here . One thing I enjoy doing is shopping . I loveeeee to shop and Im always up on the latest fashion . Although I love fashion thats not a career I would choose to persue . My main goal for this school year is to graduate top 30 of my class with straight A's . Biggie Smalls said dream big and thats what Im doing . Someday I plan to become a Pediatrician at Children's Hospital . Something no one knows about me is , behind all my smiles and laughter holds a lot of pain . I lost the most important person in my life in 2006 and it really took a toll on my life . Its been hard but I understand now that at the end of the day I know he lived his life and I know he's looking down on me smiling ear to ear . .

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Introducing Me

Hi, my name is Anjea. I am 17 years old and I am from West Philadelphia. I'm also senior at Overbrook High school. Some of my goals are to finish my last year of high school and move on to college. while I am in college my major will be psychology because I like the study of psychology and I am looking forward to becoming a child psychologist. One of my favorite things I like to do is listen to music. I like to listen to music because it takes my mind off of all the negative things that go on in my life, and turn all of the negative energy into positive energy. Something that most people don't know about me is that when I was 12 years old I was out side playing and I split my middle finger in half with a razor and had to get 8 stitches in my finger.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Introduction of me

Hello my name is Tabitha. I am seventeen years old and a senior at Overbrook high school. I come from south Philadelphia, over by sixty second street. I am a very keep to myself person. I always try to stick to the positives and stay calm. I consider myself a very highly motivated and creative person. One of my favorite things is reading. I enjoy reading because from reading a book you can learn so much and just reading about different things is an very interesting thing to me. One thing people don't know about me is that I have short-term memory. It happened three years ago i was in a car accident on fifty six and pine. Everyone in the car survived, just a few scraps and bruises. That is basically who I am summed up into a paragraph.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Welcome to your Blog

The first assignment for our blog. You must write 1or 2 paragraphs introducing yourself to this community of writers. Your writing must include a description of yourself, where you come from and what your goals include. Tell us one of your favorite things and explain why it/they are one of the things you like/enjoy. Additionally, include a bit of info that no one yet knows about you. I almost forgot, you can add a picture of yourself-- only if your parent/guardian gave you permission to do so. Remember, you cannot use "text" language!

Grading will be based on the following:
1. No use of texting acronyms.
2. Correct use of capitalization of words and proper nouns.
3. Sentences are punctuated correctly.

This assignment must be completed by Friday, September 24, 2010.

Enjoy your Senior year!